Welcome to Prince Albert Barveenok Ukrainian Dancers Inc.


The Prince Albert Barveenok Ukrainian Dancers Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Ukrainian dance and culture for our children and our community. We strive to provide an opportunity for our children to become proficient in the art of Ukrainian dance in a positive and motivating environment, and to recognize each dancer’s individual talents and interests. We believe in the importance of physical fitness, art and culture.

Barveenok is a parent-run organization that operates solely on the support and assistance of the parents and dance members. Our dancers meet each week to learn dances from many regions of Ukraine, thereby meeting the association’s mandate. Our dedicated instructors have years of dance and teaching experience. They ensure our dancers’ repertoire is constantly changing as new styles are taught with traditional ones. Group placements are not based solely on age. The dancer’s level of skill is also considered in all group placements. Group placements are determined by the Instructors.

Why Join?

  • Members have a voice and a vote on how the club is managed and operated

  • Accessible fees

  • We provide excellent instruction from some of the best Ukrainian dance instructors in SK

  • Annual Obzhynky (Fall Harvest celebration) fundraiser and community building event

  • Costumes are provided for no rental fee (deposit only)

  • The club is engaged in multiple performances throughout the year

  • The club is competitive

  • Exposure to Ukrainian culture

  • Annual Ukrainian Dance Festival held in Prince Albert

  • Lasting friendships

Tiny Tots at Year End Recital May 2023

Parent Volunteers

Parent Involvement makes the difference

Membership is open to all families who wish to have their children learn the art of Ukrainian Dance.

Barveenok is a competitive club. Every group must attend at least three dance festivals. Everyone is expected to dance at our Prince Albert Dance Festival and at PFE Showcase in Saskatoon. The 3rd festival is decided at the start of the year at a General Meeting and a majority vote decides. Additional festivals must be decided on a group by group basis, with a majority vote deciding. Any additional dances (ie. Solos, duets, other small group dances) need to be requested.

In order for the club to remain a viable operation and run effectively, it must rely on the commitment and participation of its current members. Participation and involvement provides:

  • Sense of ownership within the club

  • Knowledge of what is happening within the club

  • Awareness of Ukrainian culture

Registration Information and Fees

Accepting dance students 4 years (at the time of registration) and up.

Annual Fees:

  • Tiny Tot: $235

  • Beginner: $350

  • Junior: $400

  • Intermediate: $450

  • Senior: $475

  • Adult: $325

Fees may be paid for the year, ½ year or by monthly post-dated cheques.

Cheques can be made out to: P.A. Barveenok Ukrainian Dancers Inc.

***Please NOTE: Registrations are NOT Accepted from anyone in arrears. Past Debts must be cleared before registration will become valid. ***

***NSF cheques will be charges a $20.00 fee***

TRIAL PERIOD: the first month of dance class is considered a trial period, in which any NEW dancer/ family can discontinue membership without penalty.

PA Barveenok Dance Club is a parent-run/volunteer organization that operates solely on the support and assistance of the member families. Parents of dancers as well as older dancers, themselves, are encouraged to take an active role in the life of the club. Each family is entitled to one vote per family.

Member families are the best ambassadors of the club for recruiting new members.

Beginner Class at Barveenok 911 Fundraiser June 2022

Class and Practice Location

Senior Class, Year End Recital, May 2023

Studio A: TBD

Studio B: Prince Albert Arts Center (1010 Central Avenue)

Dance Season: Sept 4 2024 to May 11th, 2025

Student Arrival: 10 minutes prior to class; punctuality is very important for the flow of the class and proper warm-up of the dancers.


Times TBD

Only dancers and instructors should be in the practice area during class unless instructors have invited you in.

Dancer Guidelines and Expectations

Attire for Dance Class: What a dancer wears to class can make a huge difference in how much they benefit from the class. It allows the dancer to move freely without restrictive clothing or the hair in the face, and it also helps the teacher see the alignment and placement of the body to help in preventing injury and ensuring proper technique is being used. Listed below are what we expect the dancers to wear to class. Please no gum chewing, cell phones, or jewelry.

Tiny Tots, Beginners, Juniors:

  • Girls: Black Body Suit/tights (dance skirt permitted) OR leggings/ shorts with Barveenok t-shirt Red Leather Dance Shoe

  • Boys: Black athletic shorts with Barveenok t-shirt, Black leather dance shoe or jazz shoe

Intermediates, Seniors and Adults:

  • Ladies: Black Body Suit/tights (dance skirt permitted) OR leggings/ shorts with Barveenok t-shirt Red leather Dance Shoe (nude or black Jazz for Adults is fine)

  • Gentlemen: Black athletic shorts with Barveenok t-shirt, Black leather dance shoe or jazz shoe

Please Do:

  • Hair: braid, bun, ponytail with bangs pulled back and neatly secured away from the face

  • Bring water to drink

  • Keep belongings organized and together in change rooms

  • Treat your instructors and fellow dancers with respect and common courtesy

Dancer Guidelines:

If the proper attire is not worn or if the dancer does not arrive punctually, the instructor may ask the dancer to sit out and watch the class. Any incidents of disrespect or unacceptable behavior, the student may be asked to leave the class.

Attendance: It is parents/guardian’s responsibility to inform the instructor if they are missing class. THE CLASS EVENT MUST BE DECLINED ON THE BAND APP AND AN EXPLANATION FOR THE ABSENCE MUST BE INCLUDED. Any dancer missing three (3) consecutive lessons or five (5) lessons throughout the dance year may be asked to leave at the discretion of the executive.


The club regularly communicates with its members. This is vital to the health and cohesion of the club. The primary means of communication will be through the band app. E-mail communication will come monthly from info@pabarveenok.com and invoices and financial information from treasurer@pabarveenok.com. Please ensure that these addresses are on your safe list and do not end up in your junk folders.

A significant amount of time and energy is volunteered towards maintaining our Website. It is regularly updated and always has the most current info. Please refer to it often, especially the parents/dancers tab. www.pabarveenok.com

General Policies

A meeting will be held with instructors and the executive in May to decide on placement of dancers. Students and parents/guardians will be notified prior to the next dance year. Dancers may be placed in the following groups. Please note the suggested age for each group.

Tiny Tot: 4 years (turning 4 during dance season)

Beginner: 5 –8 years

Junior: 8 – 11 years

Intermediate: 11 – 14 years

Senior: 14 & up

Adult: 18 to 99+

All class placements are made at the discretion of the instructors. If you have a concern with your placement please contact the executive in writing.

Regular dance classes will focus on mixed-group dances. Individual and small group dances are encouraged in addition to regular dance class.

It is parents/guardian’s responsibility to inform the instructor if they are missing class. THE CLASS EVENT MUST BE DECLINED ON THE BAND APP AND AN EXPLANATION FOR THE ABSENCE MUST BE INCLUDED. Any dancer missing three (3) consecutive lessons or five (5) lessons throughout the dance year may be asked to leave at the discretion of the executive. Absences make a big difference as to how a dance can/may be choreographed; whether or not it will be performed at certain functions, each time a dancer is absent the overall group is affected as to how the dance can and should be performed.

Communications between instructors and parents/executive will not be during class time. Any concerns can be brought forward to the Director of Performance & Instruction or the President.

A commitment letter may be requested for certain performances before the club/instructors will make a commitment to choreograph/perform certain routines. This could affect whether or not a dancer is included in a specific dance. i.e. Group dances being entered into extra festivals. If not enough dancers will commit the dance may not be performed at all.

Our dance club holds general and annual meetings; all members are strongly encouraged to attend.

Dancers must pay half of their own choreography fees for solos, duets, and small groups.


In addition to the registration costs, each family is required to participate in fundraising events throughout the dance year.

Each Barveenok family will work six bingos per year, for which six bingo cheques or a credit card pre-authorization form would be required as a deposit. (Adult class members only work three) Bingo Coordinator does not have to work any bingo shifts. Please refer to the Bingo section for additional information.

Please do not date cheques. Additional information or concerns can be brought to the Treasurer or Bingo Director.

6 cheques of $50.00 each to cover bingo shifts or one $300 cheque and $300 for volunteer shifts at our fundraising events are required or a credit card pre-authorization form for $600 at Orientation night.


Obzhynky – Ukrainian Harvest Celebration (Gala Night) – November 16 2024 at the Prince Albert Exhibition Center

Prince Albert Ukrainian Dance Festival – April 9-11 2025 at the EA Rawlinson Centre

These two events are the only “club” fundraisers Barveenok organizes as a group each year. These functions require MANDATORY participation from every member of the club. All proceeds from these events remain with the club.

OBZHYNKY is a celebration that involves:

  • A traditional catered meal

  • Performances by our club dancers

  • Dance to follow the entertainment

  • Full bar amenities

  • Family and friends are welcome

  • Fun for all ages

PA UKRAINIAN DANCE FESTIVAL: a successful annual event that Barveenok has hosted for the past 35 years. The festival, which welcomes dance clubs from across the province and beyond, has provided our club with the funds necessary to operate. The festival committee is comprised of 8 Positions: Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Entry Secretary, Kitchen Coordinator, Canteen Coordinator, Awards and Sponsors, Publicity, and Volunteer Coordinator. Any member of Barveenok can participate on the Festival Committee.

Committee and Volunteer Requirement

Each Barveenok family is required to work a determined number of shifts during Obzhynky and our Festival. Sign-up form will be emailed out in advance of these events. Failure to fulfill these requirements in result in cashed cheques or credit card charge.

Performance & Instruction Guidelines

If you cannot make it to class you for any reason, you must let your instructor know.

The approved regions for your child's level of dance are as follows:

Beginner – Central Ukraine & Hutzul

Junior – Central Ukraine, Hutzul , Bukovynian & Transcarpathian

Intermediate & Senior – Central Ukraine, Hutzul, Volyn, Transcarpathian, Polissia, Bukovynian, Gypsy (Senior Only) and Podillia (Seniors Only)

Individual Choreography for Festivals:

All dancers are invited to request extra dances (solos, duets, small groups) to be performed at festivals and community events. Extra choreography requests will be sent out in the fall. Availability, instructor load, and dancer’s development may mean a suggested regional, choreographer, or the number of extra dancers change. Half of choreography fees for extra dances are charged to the family along with all festival entry fees for these dances.

Dates for learning extra choreography are set in the fall and dancers wishing to learn extra dances must be available for those dates. The instructor will come prepared with a selection of music for the dancer(s), and a rough outline of the choreography. The dance will be filmed and shared on the band app for dancer to practice with at home.

The instructor will copy the piece of music for the dancer.

Extra choreography brush-ups are an opportunity for the dancer to get final assistance or clarification on the choreography from their instructor. It is also an opportunity for the instructor to determine if the dance is ready for competition. ALL EXTRA CHOREOGRAPHY PERFORMANCES IN COMPETITION ARE APPROVED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSTRUCTOR. If a dance is not ready at the brush up session the dancer may be asked to wait a second season to compete with it.

Large Group Choreography – The club attends 2 (or more) festivals a year. The first one is ours in P.A. (large group and solos/small groups) and the second and/or third is a majority vote of all members (large groups and solos/small groups). Members will be notified of the available festivals and a vote will be taken in early fall. Any class/group or extra choreography is welcome to compete at any additional festivals of their choosing. If instructors are not available dancers will be responsible for their own music playing etc.

Solo, Duet and Small group entry fees into other festivals are the responsibilities of the dancers and will be invoiced by the club. In addition, if an additional festival is attended by Large Groups, the entry fee is also the responsibility of the dancers. This may be waived at the discretion of the Executive on a year to year basis.

Required Performances

Public performances are an important part of our dance club. We are asked throughout the year to provide dancers for various social and cultural events. We encourage dancer participation in these performances. It is an opportunity to build confidence, stage presence, a positive self-image as well as improve awareness of Ukrainian culture.

Requests should be made the Director of Performance and Instruction.

The dancer/dancerss who perform in the most community events above and beyond those listed as required performances will be recognized at the end of the season with a Barveenok Ambassador Award and honorarium

Required Performances for 2024-2025 Season

  • Obzhynky- Nov 16 (Prince Albert)

  • PA Raider Game- Early February

  • Away Festival/s voted on at AGM

  • Prince Albert Barveenok Ukrainian Dance Festival- April 11-13 (Prince Albert)

  • Year End Recital- May 11 (Prince Albert)


Bingos are the major source of fundraising for our club

All Bingos are held at Carnival Bingo (across from the Art Hauser Center/ Carlton School on 6th Ave E)

Each family is required to work 6 bingos per year (from Sept 1st to Aug 31st)

Six cheques for $50 each are to be given to the club as a deposit during registration for bingos that you cannot work (or one check/ pre authorization form for $300). These will be cashed for “no shows” or at the end of the year. As per the registration policies above, please do not date these cheques.

You may have family members or other trusted individuals work your shifts for you. In these instances, please ensure that you have briefed them with the rules and guidelines.

If you would like to sign up for a bingo call or message the bingo director on band app.

BINGO Schedule is included on the app and printed calendar.